Who We Are

Reigning Glory Cavalier History

My husband and I grew up on farms. We have cared for animals all of our lives. My husband grew up in the mid-west raising pigs and I grew up in Texas raising cattle. My husband and I, both have an inherent love for nature and animals.
My name is Kim. This is my story.....
In 1990, I purchased my first SPANIEL. His name was J.C. J.C. was my best friend and constant companion until he passed away in 2001. The picture above is me with my J.C. (circa 1993). The other photo is my husband playing with a goat (circa 1978).
In 2006, I decided to try my hand at breeding SPANIELS and we found a lovely breeder nearby in Texas. This was how my little breeding business began. I enjoyed meeting other dog lovers and giving them sweet, happy, little fuzz-balls call their own! I thought "this is the life for me! I finally found a passion and something I love!!" See the photo above of our very FIRST puppy born from our very FIRST litter in 2006. However, my little breeding business was short-lived! My husband's work took us overseas in 2012. We moved around the globe for almost 10 years.
Eventually, we moved back to Texas. Of course, my desire to breed dogs kicked in once again! But this time, we searched the whole world to hopefully find the VERY BEST QUALITY Cavalier King Charles SPANIELS we could find! We also desired to enter the world of show and competition with our new dogs, and (of course) we wanted to win!
So click on the videos and follow our kennel to watch our journey of dog shows, dog training, competitions, children, and (of course) puppies!

RIP Jagger
FIRST puppy
FIRST litter

Our littlest is always playful!!
Puppies come pre-spoiled by this little playmate. She is always loving and cuddling and spoiling the puppies! From the time they are born until they are ready to go to the dog shows all our dogs are fully socialized.


This is my "mini me". Both she and I are always with our animals and talking about our animals! I love having a shared passion with my daughter .... Me and my mini-me!


Our oldest. All the dogs know that she is the boss! She is our official dog trainer and is very good at it! Our class trainer told her that nobody could ever show Oskar except her! We think she is a dog whisperer because all the dogs perform perfect for her! (but not for me)